Phoebe, co-founder and editor of style and culture zine Pamflet, wears a cafe au lait (there’s a better colour to describe this, isn’t there? Beige, tan, sandstone? A really obvious one I can’t think of right now) coat by Oasis (similar in navy here), wool jumper by Benetton, trousers by Jaeger Boutique (part of a suit), pink socks by Falke, brogues by Russell & Bromley, watch by Swatch and the amazing car clutch is actually a men’s washbag by Paul Smith (excellent styling tip there!). If you haven’t come across Pamflet (started out as a cool girl zine, featured in Vogue and moved online) then check it out. Now! Photo was taking in Victoria Park’s Loafing cafe – see yesterday’s post.