An UnSpun Commission… or The Story of a Loom

An UnSpun Commission… or The Story of a Loom

A year ago I bought a loom on eBay. A huge two metre wide second-hand floor loom that I had no idea how to use. It arrived in pieces on the back of a lorry eventually … Made by a long-running Finnish family brand, a vintage Toika model from the 70s that seemed to have […]

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Sleep, Sheep & Better Nails

Sleep, Sheep & Better Nails

Delighted to discover that my 2024 #bedtimeroutine is trending on TikTok with the young folk, or so I read somewhere online this morning… Earlier and earlier to bed for me – sometimes I’m even off by a mind-boggling 10pm, and yes I’ve had a Drowsy sleep mask for over a year now! – with at […]

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