An Elysian Sewing Box Rite of Passage - Stylonylon


life, style, photography & textiles

An Elysian Sewing Box Rite of Passage

A Sewing Box Rite of Passage
Elysian Liberty print sewing box

I do sew. In fits and starts. I’ve made ill-fitting skirts and cushions and quite gorgeous yakutas from fabric bought in Tokyo. I’ve made lavender bags with garden-grown lavender, frilly little knickers that have only just started to fall apart and a 70s collared man’s shirt with disco buttons which was too tight. I’ve taken sewing night classes on Curtain Road – ladies, I know how to attach a sleeve – and yes, I machined the floor to ceiling lined curtains that hang in our sitting room (with Mummy Stylonylon’s help, of course, that is not a one-person job). So it was about time I upgraded my sewing kit from shoe boxes to something a bit more sophisticated. Sewing box by Liberty, natch.

A Sewing Box Rite of Passage
A Sewing Box Rite of Passage

A Sewing Box Rite of Passage