Skin Art Temporary Tattoos – Love Laugh Live - Stylonylon


life, style, photography & textiles

Skin Art Temporary Tattoos – Love Laugh Live

Stylonylon - Skin Art - Love Laugh Live

Tattoos are all the rage right now. No shit. From Cara’s lion on her forefinger and initials on the side of her hand –

and Miley’s 18 inks, including a simple heart on her hand, to Kate’s very own Lucian Freud (two swallows at the base of her spine). And then there’s top bloggers Andy Torres’s  ‘Smile’, in her own handwriting below her armpit, and Chiara Ferragni’s ‘LUCE’ in the same place. Blogger tattoos are but a continuum for the happy, smiley, light places they like their little place on the internet to be (don’t get me wrong, me included!). And for the mummies among us, Adele recently had her son’s initial tattooed below her ear. So in an entirely temporary kind of homage (getting a REAL tattoo has never been on my list, just too permanent!) here is my take with the very handy and so easy to use transfers by Skin Art Temporary Tattoos kindly sent to me to try out. Just £4.99 at Boots and no need to pay for laser removal. Sweet.

Stylonylon - Skin Art - Love Laugh LiveStylonylon - Skin Art - Love Laugh LiveStylonylon - Skin Art - Love Laugh Live