
life, style, photography & textiles

OOTD – Evening Light Fracture

Stylonylon - UK fashion blog - OOTD

I actually got into trouble for taking these OOTD photos. The mortification of posing for yourself aside, I felt like I was back at school…

Although this gorgeous strip of land is accessible from the road and the house, its elderly owner seemed less than pleased to find me posing in it. In a mixture of my bad Portuguese and French (a lot of the older generation here speak French) we were able to come to an accord. ‘Continué!’ I was ordered, though the glass bubble of my ego-blogging confidence had taken a severe hit from the fractiousness, so the rest of the photos didn’t really work. It made me realise how odd the modern world of posing and posting online must seem to older generations. What else but pure vanity? And our need to project self images onto digital space is almost like an extra layer of aura we wear about ourselves these days. Where will it take us, I wonder? Will the privacy of Arrested Development’s faux FaceBlock be something we soon all crave? Is SnapChat and its self-destructing photos the way forward?

I am wearing Panama hat, Les Petites top, Diesel jeans from TK Maxx, Havaianas.

Stylonylon - UK fashion blog - OOTD Stylonylon - UK fashion blog - OOTD