More On The Ugly Shoes - Stylonylon


life, style, photography & textiles

More On The Ugly Shoes

UK fashion blogger

I have a confession to make, and it’s not one I’m proud of… 

I’d like a pair of Crocs. There, I’ve said it. Do what you will. OK, don’t leave for good, but step away for a moment if you must and then come back. You probably already know that I’ve got a bit of a thing for the so-called ugly shoes – I am living in Arizona Birkenstocks this summer, and not because I am a newly-turned convert. No, no, no. I embraced the Birki over a decade ago, bought various styles and colours and have worn them religiously through the summers. Same with Uggs, come the winter.

And for those really hot summer days, kicking around at home or out in the field in Portugal, yes, I’m thinking a pair of super light-weight Crocs would be just the thing. Probably just in black, mind. Are we still friends? I joke not. It’s a serious thing, a friend’s husband won’t let their two-year-old son wear them because they insult his aesthetic so. But what’s next? I hear you cry. Who knows? I’m in dubious territory – could the fitflop be round the very next corner (see Shoetique for more possibles). Am I ready to be saved?

UK fashion blogger