
life, style, photography & textiles

New Blog Shopping App – Prefery

Blog Shopping App - Prefery | Stylonylon - UK fashion blog

Say hello to new blog shopping app Prefery. Launched in Germany in April, it’s now available in the Apple app store…

So you can shop blogs, it cleverly streams items posted by fashion bloggers letting you click through to buy or check out the blog post the piece was featured in. I’m thrilled to have been invited to be one of the featured bloggers alongside some pretty cool European bloggers including Onto The Wardrobe and Petra Karlsson. The Ash Jalouse boots you see in the photo is one of mine! The app design is incredibly slick and at the moment just features product images but in the next release will incorporate photos from the blog posts, which is very cool! I’ve already seen a couple of things I’m keen to buy.

The products are affiliate links which means that the blogger who posted them will receive a commission as if you’d clicked through from their blog. I use affiliate links in some of my outfit posts as described here – if, as a reader, you’d like these links to be flagged up let me know. It’s a weird one, I will happily make a purchase on a blog’s affiliate link, it’s a great source of income for bloggers who have built up a good styling rep. But is it enough to mention on your disclosure page that you use affiliate links or should the links be marked? I’d love to know your thoughts.

Anyway, for someone who uses affiliate links in both senses of the word, this is a brilliant app for bloggers and those who like to shop bloggers’ outfit posts alike. Check it out, in the app store here – and it’s a free one!