
life, style, photography & textiles

Blogger Art, i.e. Instagram

20140625-174418.jpgTaking photos for Instagram is practically an art form these days. And not just for aesthetic-obsessed bloggers…

A journalist friend at the weekend told me how painstakingly she works to get just the right shot. Ok, a little tongue in cheek, she’s a whip smart columnist who likes to serve us up a bit of herself (ourselves, really) and show us how silly/ridiculous we/life can be. And consider all the flat lays and prepared shots that bloggers take so much time over…

But really Instagram is just photography and has created a focus for people’s passion. Yes, we all got caught up in filter madness at first, but now it’s all subtler tweaking with VSCOCam and defying the square crop – tbh, I fell in love with Instagram all over again since downloading Cropic/Full Sqaure etc.

In other news, I’m blogging from my phone which always feels so liberating and these photos (today’s Instagrams) I transferred to my phone from my Olympus Pen E-PL5 which I just got a Wi-Fi card for which works a dream… too handy! So basically, these days, all the shots you see on my Instagram are taken with an Olympus Pen E-PL5 or E-P5 which has in-built Wi-Fi – see my sidebar Camera Chat for details on lenses.

Ps. How cute does Gus look in my Monki sunglasses? Ok, gotta dash, packing for hols tomorrow!

Follow me on Instagram @stylonylon


I call this ‘Blue denim on blue crate with Birkenstock’ – you like?


Time for a toddler style blog, perhaps?