I’ve bought a few photo books of late. Nice, colourful, easy-going ones to browse for new ideas and tips…
And because my next challenge is to try and improve on my landscape photography – I’m addicted to wide aperture settings which is not helping my landscape shots as they need much much deeper depth of field achieved by a smaller f stop – I chose The Landscape Photography Workshop which has some very no nonsense explanations of exposure, shutter speed and aperture which are always good to go over again.
The A Beautiful Mess Photo Idea Book is a visual treat as is their gorgeous blog and talks about photography in a way that makes sense for the goals and objectives of fashion and lifestyle blogging with lots of great little projects to try out. And the Lonely Planet’s Best Ever Photography Tips is a mix of some obvious, some extremely useful bits of information.
All three are a huge improvement on some of the dense photography tomes I bought when I was first getting into photography. Perfect weekend reading! For more weekend reading, check out Bumpkin Betty’s round-up, she very kindly including my Skye visual diary!