
life, style, photography & textiles

Bucket Dreams

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANew bag, new love, new year. Thank you to the style high rollers for bringing the bucket back. For the humble bucket is slated to be having a bit of a moment again this year. And well deserved, I say… 

My heart is bucket shaped, truly, when it comes to bags. The soft slouchy boho shape soothes my soul and floats my boat. My first bucket love was a slightly more structured fake Louis Vuitton when I was too young to know better. But this is a bag that works for you on true life level. Really, with ease-of-drawstring, you can fill it up and with vigour, the flat base allowing for the kind of arranging most bags do not. It’s like a little belongings dwelling – you could sit down for tea in there.

These last few years, I’ve tried to embrace the more structured bag – boho gets so tiring on the eye, right? – and I have broadened my handbag horizons, smartening up my act. But  I am a slouchy, casual kind of girl at heart and ultimately must have bag to match. A decent-sized bucket can house numerous items of necessity and though I didn’t know it then, goes perfectly hand-in-hand with my daily accessory, retro-styled & sized camera. But you’d never know it, would you.

The bucket conceals all and does it so well. Like the best skinnies, the ones that stick close to your leg but not your waist. Dine out and gluttonously so, they’ll wonder where you’re putting it all with your legs poking out so tightly-clad. And thus the bucket always allows for that extra bit – coin purse, plus lip balm? Oh wait, it might rain, there’s room for a folded up brolly and extra hanky. Grab those gloves, it’s still chilly outside. An extra lens? Why, of course, you’d be silly not to, who knows when that fisheye might come in handy…

A big thanks to Boticca for my lovely Artessorio bucket, it will be well-loved & well-used.