Shopping Stories (i) - Stylonylon


life, style, photography & textiles

Shopping Stories (i)

ShoppingColumn1In a bit of shopping splurge mood at the moment (ahem, for a change) – and been checking out the amaze pieces on the newly re-branded Atterley Road, now Atterley.com doing its own collection… 

Eyeing up these fab striped (in Grazia this week), grey  & rust culottes and most of everything else, including this waiting list jumpsuit. But back to culottes, which can do no wrong in my book (style discovery dawnings as a tender teenager – very precious times) and I’m hoping to take them into the autumn, just need to figure out proportions when wearing with a big coat!

Leading onto… I also fell into a classic insta-shopping-frenzy and shelled out the second most I’ve ever paid for a winter coat at Pho.London – albeit it 50% off in the sale – this classic camel beauty by super minimalist designer and blogger Charlie May. The coat is perfection, but I am worried it’s going to be too long. Arggh.

And then, because I’m still on the lookout for toe-covering summer shoes – damaged unsightly toenail has meant forgoing sandals this year and how I’ve sobbed – I plunged into these super cute laced espadrilles from Topshop. Coz you know how I love an espadrille… Went for the black leather, although hummed & hahhed much over the green suede. Thoughts?

And I’ve been meaning to mention Eight Slate, Malaysia based but ships internationally (although I did have to pay import duty via a few surprisingly prompt and courteous emails with Heathrow). However, went a bit nuts about the gorgeous tops, including this cute cami (pictured – watch out, you need high-waisted trews if you don’t want bare belly) and sweet-sweet off the shoulder top taking us into deconstructed boob tube territory – which I liked so much I bought in both black and white. I know, I ain’t never going to get a pension, sorry Mum. If I figure out how to magically conjure up outdoor outfit posts in minimal time, I will show thee.

The Expensive Stuff

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I really wouldn’t call myself much of a designer bunny. I can’t bear anything with obvious logos or branding, but I do love well-made, beautiful and simple. And therefore the occasional designer piece is not beyond my shopping horizons. So I keep checking back in on Tibi – I did find an off-the-shoulder navy satin top in the sale – but I’m head over for this stripy looser version with the buttoned up sleeve detailing. Delicious. And absolutely divine in grey twill.

And then this may well be happening soon (for me, I mean) absolutely gorgeous satchel bag by A.P.C. There are a few of these going around now, not the new crossbody style by Mansur Gavriel, but shock horror, I’m just not feeling their take on it as much as I did the bucket. Mansur Gavriel restock on Net-a-Porter today btw, so head over if you’re in the market for one of these insta-cult bags, the pink blush bucket very pretty…

And last little thing, this cute Schosha bracelet which I’ve had in my basket on NAP for almost weeks now, which I can’t just bring myself to buy. Because, although it is beautiful, I’m not the biggest bracelet person and well, £60. But things may yet change…

Top photo credits clockwise: Pho.London, Atterley.com, The Frugality, Eight Slate