Shopping Stories (ii) - Stylonylon


life, style, photography & textiles

Shopping Stories (ii)

ShoppingStories2We are nothing if not fickle. Which is why we get all excited about summer before we’ve even turned off the heating and start longing for the cooler, covered up days of autumn with its woollens and knits before the balmy evenings are even gone… 

I’m already planning coats. And so not ahead of the game. The time is now (it’s only taken me a decade or so to learn). By the time you actually need that classic camel number, you will not for the life of you ever find it in the shops. They’ll all be gone. Because people like me (me now, I mean) bought them all up. One I’m getting in on right now is this gorgeous oatmeal winter coat from Boden – there are other colours, but this is the one you want. Trust me. Just think, how perfect with good old white trainers and bare ankles? While you can still bear to bare them (I managed all the way til November last year I think, stupidly cold obvs).

And I am all over these velcro Stan Smiths. Ever since my husband had the Dunlop version, I’ve been waiting for these toddler style trainers to come out in women’s sizes. I don’t know why I love them so, I just do. Got the green version, but then there’s blue and snake. You can’t go wrong really.

Smash-cut back to summer for a moment. I’ve got a real thing for rounded shades these days. Ever since buying my first eight euro Monki pair, then my second. And now they seem to be sold out. So in fear of the predictable “Lost sunglasses” summer curse, I’m eyeing up (soz, but, y’know) other brands doing similar. Already got my paws on this Mr Boho pair from Suite Hazen and then Anthropologie do this fab grey leopard pair (pictured). So that’s good.

Culottes. Are we sick of them yet? Actually no. And I keep squealing in delight (ok, sighing – I promise to hyperbolise less when discussing such serious matters) when I discover somewhere new doing cool colours – I think this pale sky blue is the colour to go for right now, akin as it is to denim – like this site Weekday. Very impressed by the cut and cost and there are many other brilliant basics on here too, so have a squizz. Another blue culotte on Zara, which, as goes the general refrain from everyone I know “Zara is just so amazing right now.” Yep, everything in the New In section will do just nicely, thank you.

Clutch love and a discount…

Yellow and red fish clutch by Daughter of Jon

I’m completely loving these new clutches (how amaze is the yellow and red fish?) from one of my fave gals, east London based Icelandic handbag designer Daughter of Jón – check out the full new collection here

And last of all, you know how amazing everything over at the new Atterley is? Well on these products there’s 10% off with code SPECIAL10. You’re welcome. My mini edit below – the striped top, khaki culottes, white cami, striped blouse and black dress all great wardrobe additions. Just tell me what you get so I can live vicariously; as I keep telling myself over and over, I can’t buy all of the clothes (especially not the colourful Castañar espadrilles I keep seeing everywhere which I’m not even going to show a picture of for fear of enabling you myself…).


Atterley mini edit: Striped top, khaki culottes, white cami, striped blouse and black dress