
life, style, photography & textiles

Home Rituals | Morning Coffee With Wisehands

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASince I took up coffee again (last autumn; house move mainly, plus having a four-year-old and just work & life!) that moment when I sit down with a cup, usually after pre-school drop about 10am has become my daily lynch pin…

Pulling my thoughts and head together, ticking off email replies and writing my to do list, latte by my laptop side is (weirdly?!) something I look forward to the night before. It’s when it all comes together and I feel in control of things, seated at my coffee control station…

Making the coffee switches from my beloved percolator (grew up with my parents and Italian grandparents using this) and new coffee machine (birthday present to my coffee addicted husband!) which most importantly has a milk frother – I like a latte with lots of milk! And, of course, I’ve been looking around for good coffee roast, beyond what I can get from the local supermarkets.

Introducing Wisehands Coffee

So I’m thrilled to be teaming up with London-based who showcase and sell artisan roasters from all over the world. Launching in July, each week Wisehands unveil a new artisan roaster, share their story and feature their best coffee roasts online. Basically you can buy their most popular roast for a limited time for a delicious cup of joe at home.

Morning Coffee from Julia Rebaudo on Vimeo.

The Artisan Roast

Wisehand’s first featured roaster is Langøra from northern Norway based in Hjelseng Farm in the small city of Stjørdal, half an hour north of Trondheim. Founded in 2014 by a former glassblower, photographer and award winning brewer, the roastery (roasting Kenyan and South America beans) is based in a traditional Norwegian ‘stabbur’, a wooden storage building built in the 1850s, from where they can walk straight into the forests and mountains with great view towards the fjord. On the farm the team of three also has a brewery and a restaurant serving local cuisine. Sounds pretty idyllic, huh?

Grinding my beans for the first time (I bought this super easy Krupps grinder) was pretty aromatically dreamy, but you can buy pre-ground as well, I loved the deep, flavoursome Langøra flavour. I feel like this is the beginning of a personal coffee journey as I start to appreciate and experience different roasters and flavours. I’m already looking forward to the next packet!

So if you’re into making coffee at home and after some delicious different artisan roasts, sign up for launch news at and get a free bag of coffee with your first order. More details over at Wisehands.







Created in collaboration with