
life, style, photography & textiles

Search results for: “label/wisw”

  • What Is She Wearing?! China Brooks-Basto

    What Is She Wearing?! China Brooks-Basto

    It’s been a while, but finally I bring you the return of What Is She Wearing?! with the quite fabulous China Brooks-Basto… A freelance project manager & creative producer – recently described as an iron fist in a velvet glove – the half-Portuguese, half east Londonite China wears a blue silk shirt by Jigsaw (her…

  • Bon Voyage! (And a Mismatched Bikini)

    Bon Voyage! (And a Mismatched Bikini)

    An emergency passport renewal and last-minute bikini buy, and we’re good to go… Posting will be a little slower this week, but I’ve got a few planned including the return of the much-loved What Is She Wearing?! so keep your eyes peeled. And expect some sunny holiday snaps to be filling up this space for the…

  •’s Blogger Event #KnitB4Xmas At London’s ICEBAR’s Blogger Event #KnitB4Xmas At London’s ICEBAR

    It was with a little trepidation that I headed out last night to, gasp, my first blogger event hosted by at the –5°C (with ice brought from the frozen Torne river in northern Sweden, no less) ICEBAR. Thirty plus fashion bloggers were already schmoozing, sipping cocktails, nibbling nibbles and getting Christmas photos taken (fun…