Disco Pants And Lace, Oh Yeah - Stylonylon


life, style, photography & textiles

Disco Pants And Lace, Oh Yeah

UK fashion blog

“Tell me about it, stud!” The immortal lines uttered by Sandy as she turns up in the final scene of Grease to blow Danny’s mind…

And the reason why every hot-blooded young woman has dreamed of owning a pair of disco pants every since. Did you know she had to be sewn into them? Well worth it. So I’m not quite sure why it’s taken me this long to get my hands on a pair. In fact, it took the fashion powers that be (in this case OMG Fashion kindly offering to send me one of their pieces to review) to get things in motion. As soon as I saw their shiny disco pants I realised what I finally had to do. I chose the smallest size and waited in anticipation.

On arrival, I whipped them out and peeled them on. I won’t lie, they’re tight. In the way that they hold you all in, but not uncomfortable because of the strong stretch. I probably could have gone a size up but I must admit I’m a little bit hooked on how slinky they make my legs look. I didn’t want to go all Sandy in black on you and show off the high 50s waist, though, believe me, I was tempted. Instead I wanted to wear them the way I normally would, kind of as leggings with an over-sized tee, which was the obvious choice, so instead I tried them with this lace top and quite liked the results. And, of course, I think they look brilliant teamed with the Birkis. (If you notice a plaster on my toe, I should admit that it’s actually a skull & crossbones one! Super cute, you can get them here.)

Wearing Dahlia lace blouse, OMG Fashion disco pants (c/o) and Arizona Birkenstocks.

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One response to “Disco Pants And Lace, Oh Yeah”

  1. […]  You want some class with your sass? Stylonylon looks delicately sexy in skintight skinnies and lace. For a cozier look, she pairs her birks with a […]