Interview | Cardboard Cities & Her Amazing Collages - Stylonylon


life, style, photography & textiles

Interview | Cardboard Cities & Her Amazing Collages

as-above-below | Interview | Cardboard Cities & Her Amazing Collages

I was completely blown away by Laura Redburn from Cardboard Cities’s collages when I first came across them. They evoke a kind of cool surreal dreamworld that you’d definitely like to get lost in… 

So I thought I’d try and find out a little more about what makes this talented lady tick. Cardiff-based Laura kindly answered my questions below. All Laura’s collages and prints are available to buy here.

How did you get into collage making?
I really properly started when I was in college in 2006. I had done the odd collage before then, but in college it just ‘clicked’. i was doing a graphic design course, and I wanted to produce imagery that looked a bit more unique, and it somehow just naturally came to me. I didn’t really look into many other collage artists at the time (it’s become way more popular now in the past couple years it seems) but I constantly surrounded myself with artists and designers I loved. I’ve been obsessed ever since!

What materials and software do you use? 
I use old books and magazines, as well as textures I’ve made myself from processes like screenprinting, water-colour and just generally a bit of mark making! Then I cut and paste myself, scan in, and edit in photoshop. editing wise, mostly I colour correct a bit, and sometimes add in extra elements. I like to keep the handmade look intact, but still want it to look professional.

Do you start each collage with a strong concept or do they evolve as you go?
It really depends. For the most part I tend to just go with my gut and I rarely have a idea in my head beforehand. I prefer to just let my mind zone in on imagery and just go from there! With commissions there will generally be an idea or theme I have to go with, but in terms of actual composition, I still go with what my gut says looks best.

Your blog photography is also amazing! What equipment and editing software do you use?
Thank you! I use a Canon 650d camera with a Canon 50mm 1.8 lens or a RMC Tokina 28mm 2.8. I have a couple other vintage lenses in addition to these, but I use those the most. I’d love a 28 or 35mm new anon lens too but that’s currently way out of my budget! I also use a tripod when light is low or when taking outfit shots. I always shoot in RAW and I edit in Camera Raw/Photoshop.

Who takes your photos? And do you have any tips for shooting outfit posts?
I take all my photos! As with most people, using natural light is my main tip! If it’s a bit darker inside, just use a tripod to steady, and use a lower shutter speed to let more light in, and/or turn up the ISO a notch. I prefer not to go above 400 if I can avoid it. For outside – try not to take photos in direct sunlight. you or your subject will most likely be squinting, and the sunlight can cause harsh shadows. Shooting in RAW is great too, you have so much more control when you’re editing.

What autumn/winter pieces can’t you live without (clothes/accessories)? What’s on your shopping list?
I have been wearing these boots I bought recently ALL the time. They’re really versatile and comfortable, with the added bonus of making me a wee bit taller! I think they go with everything too. I only wear dresses and skirts, but obviously they’d look good with some jeans too. Accessory wise I am in love with this necklace I recently bought from oh my clumsy heart, I think it’s perfect for this time of year too. moody and mysterious with a bit of sparkle! I always have dresses on my wish list. I actually really want that tartan one i’ve been seeing from Primark and I’ve got my eye on this smock too.

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