
life, style, photography & textiles

The Sunday Before Christmas | Broadway Market

Broadway Market | Market Cafe | Free People UK Blogger | UK fashion blogger | Stylonylon

A lovely piece of end of year news! Free People got in touch to ask if I would like to be a regular contributor to their blog and (of course I said yes/would be mad not to/how cool is Free People/dream job blogging etc) here is my first post!

I love the end of year, it’s a lovely time to take stock and think of all the things you’d like to do next year. I always want to cram so much in, but it’s good to aim high right? I’m thinking – getting back into yoga (I’ve been doing half an hour a day all week!), lots more photo taking, slowing down and chilling out and working my way to the end of a novel draft. And about a million other things, like giving the house a spring clean and overall tidying up, haha! But a yoga retreat and writer’s retreat would be quite fabulous for 2014, don’t you think? Any you’d recommend?

The photos you see here were taken at Broadway Market the Sunday before Christmas – brunch at the delicious Market Cafe. I’ll be contributing twice a month or maybe more, so expect lots of out and about photos, some street style, travel and London-based posts. By the way, how amazing is that peacock chair below? I’m so going back for it!

Broadway Market | Free People UK Blogger | UK fashion blogger | Stylonylon Broadway Market | Market Cafe | Free People UK Blogger | UK fashion blogger | Stylonylon Broadway Market | Market Cafe | Free People UK Blogger | UK fashion blogger | Stylonylon Broadway Market | Free People UK Blogger | UK fashion blogger | Stylonylon Broadway Market | Free People UK Blogger | UK fashion blogger | Stylonylon Broadway Market | Free People UK Blogger | UK fashion blogger | Stylonylon Broadway Market | Free People UK Blogger | UK fashion blogger | Stylonylon

One response to “The Sunday Before Christmas | Broadway Market”

  1. Danielle Gindele Avatar
    Danielle Gindele

    Loved your post on Free People (how I found you)! Coincidentally, I’ll be visiting London in a few short months, very exciting! Any tips, fav cafes or shops you’d recommend?