
life, style, photography & textiles

24 Hours in Melbourne | Free People Guest Post

Chapel Street | Melbourne | Free People guest post | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon

Ah, my latest post for Free People went up today – 24 Hours in Melbourne. Here are some of the photos I took exploring shopping centre Chapel Street and the business district…

Plus an excerpt of my piece

The main shopping street is the iconic Chapel Street where we had an amazing sunlit breakfast at Speakeasy before taking a wander. Several blocks long, I loved seeing how the street changed – aesthetically pleasing run-down shop fronts side by side with glass-fronted cafes streamed with light, to lots of great shopping boutiques, antique shops, and second hand stores.

Lots more travel photos to come, which I’m editing wondering when the jetlag is going to hit me. I have to admit I’m so proud that we managed such a big trip, with so many stops, with Gus, he travelled so well – the 12 hour haul from Singapore he slept a full eight hours, which was total bliss. Although that 12 hours did seem to last an awful long time.

You never really sleep on a long-haul flight, do you? The best you ever get is an awareness that time is passing but your mind is at peace instead of racing with frustration. Still, I feel surprisingly chipper despite our 5am touchdown this morning at Heathrow. Famous last words, huh? Will crack on with some photo editing before I drop… Tomorrow’s post music & art festival MOFO in Tasmania!

ps. All these pics taken with the Stylus 1 – I got some great tips from a Twitter pal and am really working out how to use it!

Chapel Street | Melbourne | Free People guest post | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon Chapel Street | Melbourne | Free People guest post | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon Chapel Street | Melbourne | Free People guest post | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon
Central Business District | Melbourne | Free People guest post | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon Central Business District | Melbourne | Free People guest post | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon Chapel Street | Melbourne | Free People guest post | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon Central Business District | Melbourne | Free People guest post | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon Central Business District | Melbourne | Free People guest post | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon

4 responses to “24 Hours in Melbourne | Free People Guest Post”

  1. laura redburn Avatar

    some of these photos almost look like they were taken with a film camera! love that colourful building at the top.

    1. Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog Avatar
      Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog

      Thanks lovely – all on my new Stylus 1, v impressive little camera 🙂 xx

  2. Sophie Saint Avatar

    Ahhh Melbourne Memories! I had such a good couple of years living there 🙂
    Did you manage to explore the North of the city eg Fitzroy?

    1. Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog Avatar
      Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog

      Ah, afraid not! Would have loved to stay for longer and do more. Must have been a great place to live! 🙂