
life, style, photography & textiles

Family Sock Party | Chatty Feet

Chatty Feet Socks | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon

Sometimes you’ve just gotta say “Meet me on the stairs in half an hour.” No buts about it. Pull on the party socks, grab the camera and have some fun. That’ll blow away the cobwebs and the rainy days… !

I couldn’t say no to these completely brilliant socks from Chatty Feet. With names like Don Cottone, Dr Brian Sox, Brad Feet Jr and Sigmund Socks – impossible to resist. And the whole family can be kitted out in these life-cheering goodies. Produced in Portugal and with 75% cotton, they got the nod from my mother-in-law. And check out the designers behind the designs… Basically want them all. I’ll leave you with the raucous party snapshots…

Chatty Feet Socks | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon

Gus threatening Don Cottone* with some truck action

Chatty Feet Socks | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon

Miko* about to throw her best dancefloor shapes

Chatty Feet Socks | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon

Mid-party group cuddle!

Chatty Feet Socks | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon

Prof Brian Sox Jr* getting lairy

Chatty Feet Socks | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon

Don Cottone not sure he can match Miko’s moves!

Chatty Feet Socks | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon

Miko making amends…

Chatty Feet Socks | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon

*Big thanks to Chatty Feet for these fab samples!

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