
life, style, photography & textiles

Food & Drink | Mirror Blogging At Circus London


Last week I hot-footed it to Covent Garden for a dinner date with Emma of Life of Yablon (check her fab post here!) and our respective #hims at cocktail bar and cabaret restaurant Circus*. The idea was that we would both review the night and see how our two posts came out – one of the things I love about blogging is the diversity in approach! #mirrorblogging Emma called it!

I’d actually had a taste of some of the acts up north at La Clique during the Edinburgh festival last summer so I sort of knew what to expect but there we’d been seated at a show, here we were at a table for four just feet away from the big performance/dining table. We arrived just as an impressive hula act was taking place, music pumped up and the place packed and diners raucously enjoying themselves.

Every 20 minutes a new act came on, which I quite liked, as we had time to order/natter/eat before getting caught up in the headiness all over again. The proximity of the acts to the diners was definitely a rush and I couldn’t help but be spellbound. We chose edamame beans and dumplings to start, black cod and fillet steak for main and chocolate fondant and toffee apple lollipops for dessert. The food was delicious and at no point did I feel a clash with the performance, it was a surprisingly nice mix!

For a Tuesday night it was absolutely packed and seemed to be the place for birthdays and work dinners as the spectacle adds just the right amount of fun and distraction. The performers are incredibly talented and interact with the audience but in a very relaxed way, they’re after applause and support, nothing more – I’m one of those people who gets deeply anxious at being corralled into things at performances. Well, here we were allowed to eat, drink and be merry exactly on our own terms!

A big thankyou to Circus for looking after us so well and to the lovely Emma for her fabulous concept #mirrorblogging. You’ll no doubt be seeing more of this on the blog!

Top photo and ones of the hula-hoopist and acrobat by Emma – thankyou for letting me steal these, lovely! Full disclosure, I somehow managed to forget my memory card at home and Emma let me share hers – we spent the evening handing it back and forth in true mirror blogging style!

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*Stylonylon was a guest of Circus London

One response to “Food & Drink | Mirror Blogging At Circus London”

  1. […] Enter Stylonylon.  Actually a brilliantly talented novelist, photographer, stylist, writer – and perfect dinner guest. […]