
life, style, photography & textiles

I Dress | Summer Solstice Sun


The eve of the longest day this Saturday, after a fantastic Scandi summer solstice party in the park, my new denim obsession firmly took hold. Bought in the MiH sale, these Phoebe Grovers have not been off me since they arrived…

Revert to toddler and can-I-sleep-in-these-too? kind of obsession. What welded it even tighter was the serendipitous meeting of MiH designer Jessica Lawrence who designed these very jeans at the aforementioned solstice party. I nearly fell over. And then we talked jeans – how the skinny might be over finally, how women with busy family lives want statement, stylish jeans that make them look slim and sleek at the same time and so forth; basically Jessica is a long-term denim fanatic who has single-handedly created this summer’s big turn-up trend. In awe, to say the least.

I wore this outfit to sup at new wine bar Verden (just blink and another new cafe/restaurant/shop opens up in Clapton these days – including Bad Denim which I must visit, stockists of MiH and Paige Denim among others) before a little birthday drinks over in Queens Park, which is far, even by London standards…

I’m doing proper Monday things today, getting keys cut, holiday list-making, finding a cat-sitter, but generally feeling quite calm about it all! Hope the start of the week is treating you well?


I am wearing MiH Jeans, H&M tee (in white), Wallis jacket (old)* and Chie Mihara shoes*

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4 responses to “I Dress | Summer Solstice Sun”

  1. Emma Avatar

    I love your jacket! Been searching for a new leather for a while now!

    Emma x

    1. Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog Avatar
      Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog

      This one is a goodie! Wear it all the time 🙂 x

  2. Kylie Avatar

    ooooo those shoes <3 Hope all is good in the hood for you? x

    1. Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog Avatar
      Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog

      Yes, all good! Hopefully have something fun to invite you to in Aug