Caravan Style - Stylonylon


life, style, photography & textiles

Caravan Style

Caravan Style | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon

You may have seen on Instagram that last week I took part in a blogger winter feature shoot with Boden. The shoot location, Caravan, was so damn gorgeous I just had to snap some pics… 

Run by the lovely Emily Chalmers, the gorgeously quirky interiors shop is just off Hackney Road (a previous incarnation was just by Spitalfields Market) and is by appointment only, but luckily you can shop online too. Worth having a look just for drool-worthy home inspiration. I’ve been browsing the site quite a lot as our house is currently in chaos as we are doing a bit of paintwork – books, bag, cutter just everywhere and life and work has been just a little too busy of late to make much sense of it all (ie. do some tidying!).

A couple of posts to catch up on, a few days ago I had a delicious afternoon tea and spent the night at the Charing Cross Hotel and last night we were treated to an extremely good Korean meal at Bibimbap on Charlotte Street (there’s also a Soho branch, absolutely yummy!). And then this Friday we’re off to kids festival Lollibop just outside London with the lovely Kylie and her little one Eva, before heading to Oxford for the weekend. Need. To. Slow. Down.

Caravan Style | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon Caravan Style | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon Caravan Style | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon Caravan Style | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon Caravan Style | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon Caravan Style | UK fashion blog | Stylonylon

2 responses to “Caravan Style”

  1. laura redburn Avatar

    loving the look of this place! i’d love to take a visit there one day. have you ever done a guide (or something along those lines) of your favourite shops or places in london? i’d love to see that.

  2. Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog Avatar
    Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog

    Yes, gorgeous place! Lovely idea – yes, would totally love 🙂 need to get my thinking hat on re that 🙂 I’ve just started this map guide in the meantime (in menu) xx