In Love With Litohoro - Stylonylon


life, style, photography & textiles

In Love With Litohoro

The softest water as the setting sun throws colours all over over the sky. The light within inches of perfection. No, just perfect. I shot these photos on the last day of my latest trip to Greece with the Discover Greece BlogtrottersGR trip…

Where to start? Which is why perhaps I chose the end. The big blog post on the trip is coming soon, but the main thing I wanted to impress upon you is that while Greece is primarily known for its islands, mainland Greece (us Olympus camera bloggers were taken to the incredible Olympus region in Peiria, natch!) is a mind-blowing wealth of sun, sea, mountain, olive groves, history and food. 

Wow, the food. As Carly put it, we pretty much Ate Greece. The generosity, creativity and hospitality of the places we visited and people we met was overwhelming. We laughed and sang and ate our fill at the Kourtis winery around a trestle table under the trees, we dined like the Ancient Greeks at the tranquil Koukos Inn and sipped herbal tea and ate cake in the ski village of Elatohori. 

And that was when (part of) our group wasn’t making the 12-hour trek up Mount Olympus (ok, I admit, I chickened out!), scuba-diving, exploring ancient ruins, talking Alexander the Great (ok, just me, total history geek!) or fooling around the on the pebbly beaches and splashing around in the water.

These rocks form a little jetty on the beach of the Litohoro Resort & Spa where I gazed out at the incredible sunset just before we went for our final (incredible!) meal at Mediterranean Village in Katerini. So much of a trip is made by the people and our group was an absolute good ‘un. We came away the best of buds and I can’t wait to hang with this lot again – Erica from The Edited you probably all know, but then there was Victoria from In The Frow, her photographer (and boyfriend Alex), fitness blogger & You Tuber Carly Rowena and her boyfriend Leon, one half of fitness blogging duo The Lean Machines. Love you all guys!

Bloggers are never happier than in the company of other bloggers when working as we don’t have to explain or feel guilty about being glued to our phones or asking for help with outfit posts and getting just the shot we need. In fact, we had such fun with our Olympus Pens and the underwater Toughs too, all completely over-excited at the prospect of what we could achieve. I hope you’ve all enjoyed the insta action – find it all on @stylonylon @erica_davies @inthefrow @carlyrowena @theleanmachines @imalexharrison and hashtags #blogtrottersGR and #discoverGreece and I’ll finish off with a favourite quote by travel writer Tim Cahill and one that summed up this trip perfectly for me,

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.”


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The soft colours…!

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Never not with my Olympus Pen E-PL7


Dress | Zara (sold out)

Shoes | Palmaira Sandals

Bag | Shopbop

Necklace | Madeleine Issing

Camera | Olympus Pen E-PL7

Strap | My collaboration with Sail Handmade & Olympus (available to buy soon!)

Big thanks to Erica for helping me with the photos, and the rest on my trusty tripod using the Olympus Share appStylonylon travelled courtesy of Discover Greece BlogtrottersGR and Olympus – thank you so much!

2 responses to “In Love With Litohoro”

  1. CarlyRowena Avatar

    Such a beautiful post and those pictures are incredible but to anyone whose reading this, she’s even more beautiful in real life! Completely gutted that this dress is sold out, it’s on my wishlist. Miss you. x

    1. Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog Avatar
      Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog

      Hello gorgeous girl – thankyou & big kisses. Miss you mega xx