
life, style, photography & textiles

Instagram 101.4

For some people it’s cats and dogs, for me it’s flowers. It always has been. What I like to see, what I like to shoot. What led me into my photography journey. The first thing I shot with my very first camera nearly four years ago now, was a flower…

Easy subject, but with endless potential to shoot in different ways. To find a different angle, to present a different face. For some photographers, it’s people. They cannot lay eyes on another human without figuring out how best to photograph them. That’s how I feel about flowers and it’s something that has expanded into a lot of the still-life I shoot. It’s now my comfort zone, where I feel happiest. Ask me to shoot people, and I hesitate. Which is exactly why I’ve agreed to shoot a fashion party next week – eek! To push my limits and all that. To make myself work harder and learn something new.

But flowers – perfect Instagram filler (without belittling them I must add) especially for fashion & style accounts which can feature a lot of bodies in outfits – bring a breath of fresh air. A moment to stop, pause and reflect on something beautiful. I can never get enough!

I shot this (my most popular Instagram shot today – here) in my little make-shift studio in my office. A big greyish board on a low coffee table against the white wall. Light source from the garden doors on the left. I used the 45mm lens on my Olympus Pen E-P5 and transferred straight to my phone with the Olympus app. ISO at 250, aperture at its widest (1.8) and let the camera decide the shutter speed of 1/100 second. I lightened & brightened in VSCOcam, sharpened slightly, added some contrast, desaturated 1 stop and used one of the A filters, either A1 or A5.

Follow me on Instagram @stylonylon.

If you fancy trying out an Olympus Pen E-PL7  for a couple of days, check out the new Test & Wow project.

One response to “Instagram 101.4”

  1. […] 2/ Because I’ve just finished my photography course and I love taking shots of flowers Stylonylon – Snapshot […]