
life, style, photography & textiles

Camera Bag Girl

Pompidoo1Hands up who actually has a proper camera bag? I mean one that has all the right protective padding for body and lenses. Rather than just throwing your poor old camera into a regular handbag in amongst all the other stuff. Which is what I usually do… 

Which might explain why my camera (the Pen E-P5) is currently in for repair at the moment, ahem. But a dedicated camera bag that looks smart and not like a regular camera bag – which tends to be a cross between hiking or fishing gear and just a bit dull + non-descript – is a nice change. This one, kindly sent to me by Pompidoo to try out is super sweet. The colours suit me just fine, blue and caramel figuring quite regularly in my sartorial palette and spacious enough inside with its three compartments to store my Olympus Pen E-PL7 with 17mm lens attached, 75mm lens, 45mm and a viewfinder quite comfortably. So basically pretty much all my kit, which is what I’ll take with me if I’m shooting a brand or on a trip. This is just one of the styles, but there are others for larger cameras too, so check it all out.

Finally I’ve found myself a rooftop to shoot on with my lovely friend Carolina and we snapped these while enjoying the pretty stunning view out over east London. I’m never at a loss when it comes to London – always something to impress. Yesterday I found myself standing at the bottom of the Gherkin for the first time and stood motionless for a few moments with my jaw dropped. The shiny enormity of it was just overwhelming but so inspiring. Although it’s a funny thing inspiration. How it comes and goes… Most days I’m raring to go, raring to shoot, unable to keep up with all my ideas and then there’s the occasional one where I feel at a loss and unsure. But then I think of those days as restorational ones, just resting before the next splurt.

Coasting through these summer days in London feels a bit strange at the moment as we wait to move house. I keep clearing the schedule only to find there’s more delays – pretty standard from what I understand though, so I’m just holding tight. As per, I’ve got loads of posts in the pipeline, one more Greece lots of photos, a factory visit, my new fave jewellers so will keep ploughing on through… Anyway, ramble over, and good luck with the tube strike for those of you travelling in and out of London.


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Bag* | Pompidoo

Top* | Urban Outfitters

Jeans | Zara (sold out)

Rings | Clarice Price Thomas, Jesse Harris & coming soon Stylonylon x Kirsten Goss

Shoes | Topshop


Photography by Carolina Mazzolari

One response to “Camera Bag Girl”

  1. The Slow Pace Avatar

    That’s a gorgeous camera bag! We have a quite nice ONA bag for our cameras. Actually we bought it from the men section because it was bigger!