A day in, fed, watered and massaged and you really start to tune into the just-chill vibe of Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa. When slathering up in suncream and your next meal become your most pressing concerns…
[ezcol_1half]We beached and bathed, until a little burst of activity came upon us and we wandered down the jetty for a little snorkelling. Gus isn’t quite up to the whole mask thing yet, but we took him down into the water and each went off for a swim – underwater camera in hand; underwater photography is a whole other thing… [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]We just saw the tip of it really, all the coral, little fishes and even an octopus. If we’d had more time we would have arranged some babysitting for Gus. Such a mind-opening experience. I think I mentioned before, Park Hyatt don’t allow any water sports near to the island in order to protect their coral. [/ezcol_1half_end]
See my first Maldives post here!

Once we were done, we did a little birthday celebration for Gus – the hotel were incredible and brought out a lovely chocolate cake which delighted his little heart no end; loads for everyone and we shared with the other guests at the bar! – before some serious toy-playing for Gus (he’s hit Transformers phase) and a bit of snoozy time before cocktails on the beach.
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Not just coconut drinks and cocktails, but a wonderful local dance and music performance leading up to one of the most incredible dining experiences. White-clothed tables set up on the sand for intimate candle-lit dining tête-a-tête with your loved one(s). I’ll admit we were the only family partaking in this quite special event, the rest very loved-up couples. We tried to it down, and ended up failing spectacularly. Luckily (I hope!) Gus proved himself quite charming.

Dress | Monki (sold out)
Sandals | K Jacques
I’m often asked about the straw bag and unfortunately it is a Shopbop Basics one from last year that is now sold out. I’m keeping my eye out for similar but check out my Woven Bag Edit here for similar…

[ezcol_1fifth][/ezcol_1fifth] [ezcol_4fifth_end]A fantastic grill with lobster, prawns, meats, salads and more. And three tables of desert which had Gus and I clambering over ourselves to get to it. The photos really don’t do justice to the magical, intimate atmosphere of the evening. I can’t recommend it enough. [/ezcol_4fifth_end]

After that, it was pretty hard to pull ourselves away the next day. The Park Hyatt team really make you feel at home, all the staff make a point of getting to know you and remember you from meal to meal, the charming General Manager Mariano and his family joining us for the beachside drinks and wishing all guests farewell as they depart by boat back to Kooddoo and on to our next Maldives island – more soon! Utterly magical, and yes, Gus has already decided we shall be returning for his fifth birthday!
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Stylonylon was a guest of Park Hyatt Maldives Hadahaa | All shot on Olympus Pen F with 17mm lens & Olympus Tough TG-870