
life, style, photography & textiles

Camera Review | Leica CL

Stylonylon | Leica CL review

You might or might not know my third camera was a Leica (circa approx 2014!). Already searching for an alternative to lugging around a cumbersome DSLR and having had an unsatisfying experience with my first fixed lens advanced compact, I struck gold with a half price used but mint condition Leica X1 on eBay – a fixed f2.8 lens on a beautifully neat mirrorless compact body…

Not being able to change lenses was never going to ultimately satisfy me but for six months I gloried in my photo-taking, delighting in how responsive and easy to use the X1 was. I loved the intuitive aperture and ISO dials on top and it felt just right in my hands. Until I broke it. Ah the pain. And the shame – I had been amateurishly balancing it on a ledge in my first forays into self timed outfit posts. It cost more to repair the dented lens than I had paid for the camera. So, I didn’t. And thus my camera journey continued.

Fast forward five years to the release of the Leica CL. Not a throwback to its 70s namesake (a 35mm film Leica x Minolta model)Β but similar to the X1 & X2, but with interchangeable lenses. Now this is just the kind of thing I like to hear! The versatility of being able to change lenses on a small body makes the kind of photography I do possible; I will never carry around loads of heavy kit, but if I want to change lenses for a certain situation I like to be able to do it – and given that so many of my photo situations are so often off the cuff, informal and unplanned I crave this flexibility in my kit. Especially as I only shoot with with prime lenses. (NB: For Leica users, the CL accepts L-mount lenses, but needs an adaptor for M and R lenses.)

What’s It Like?

To hold the CL is a dream. The design aesthetic is so strong and it sits in your hands like it was meant to be there – the smooth edges quite intoxicating to the touch! I was impressed with the electronic viewfinder, it felt clear, open and bright. But where things got really interesting was with the controls and the settings. A new streamlined design has modified the layout in an extremely minimal way compared to the X1. Two multi-purpose dials on top and a small LCD screen between them and then just a handful of buttons either side of the screen. The idea is that you really can customise everything to suit how you shoot. Apologies, I completely omitted to photograph the back and top of the camera – but check it out here and here.

Any Downsides?

While I absolutely adored the look of it and appreciated the streamlined controls, I did find changing modes a little trickier than necessary – to do so means reaching further in for the second dial and it was definitely something to get the hang of. I think if I’d had the camera for longer (on loan just for a week to review) I would have looked at changing the setup to better suit me. I do like to flip modes quote often – and quickly! – especially if I want to film (4k video btw!) and I found the process not quite seamless enough as it was. Too dependant on a mode dial me! πŸ˜‰

Out & About

With the camera for just a week, I was keen to see what it could do. Unfortunately grey weather dogged almost every waking hour all week, so my visit to the Tate Modern for some bright skyline shots was somewhat hampered. So what you have is a selection of rather moody and grey images (the mirror ball is part of the Tate’sΒ The One Two Three Swing! installation in the Turbine Hall) and a few incidentals. But I did get some shots I loved! I don’t think there’s any question as to the image quality and with an APS-C sensor which is bigger than the micro four thirds I usually shoot on, I in no way struggled to get the shots I wanted.

Wifi Etc

With Wifi (a really easy connection) for transferring pictures onto your phone (although for some reason I couldn’t transfer the video) and also a remote control option for your phone, I felt really comfortable with the CL tech wise and lens wise; I normally shoot with a 17mm (albeit on a smaller sensor; so I did notice the slight extra space in my photos, which always feels luxurious). The only real omission for me in terms of hardware functionality (and I totally get how this would mess with the aesthetics of the build and design!) is a flip-out screen; this is something I have come to rely for quite a few typical shots that I take.

What I love about the settings is how intuitive they are. I didn’t have to make a quick google search to find anything out, it was easy and quick to figure out; like setting the focus point to function the way l like (I like to move it around the screen with buttons despite the touch screen) and a few other adjustments so I could shoot in the way I’m accustomed. The menu is highly navigable and user friendly while not underestimating you at the same time, if that makes sense!

Is It Worth It?

Using such an ergonomically pleasing and high quality gorgeous piece of kit is an experience in itself. But the question that people always come up against with Leica is β€œIs it worth it?” The CL body alone is a hefty Β£2,250 and with the 18mm f2.8 lens is Β£3,150. I’m a big believer that you can take great photos with whatever kit you are given and happily shoot on my iPhone if that’s all I have to hand, so I can’t say you will take better pictures if you spend this amount of money.

I guess buying into Leica is a statement of intent. You love the brand, the product, the history, the commitment to great photography and want to be part of that exciting world. Bar the flipout screen, I could manage most of my photography on this camera – but then I am quite streamlined anyway, I shoot with a 17mm f1.8 95% of the time.

I think there comes a point in most amateur photographers’ lives where they might want to consolidate their kit for something more focussed and simpler. Or a professional who has all the gear might want something super special and dedicated for their non-work camera. I think this is where a Leica might feature for some. I guess I have ‘tool’ cameras with which I shoot certain type of photography and I certainly couldn’t afford to swap in all my gear for the equivalent in the Leica M series (and funnily enough I think the M is too sizeable for me!). Nobody needs the most expensive kit to take great photos, but it sure is a real pleasure and lovely experience to understand the seamlessness and quality offered by a Leica, and if you have the cash or the kit you want to trade in then yes of course!

But Bokeh?

Being a bit of a bokeh lover, I would hope for a lower aperture C lens for the CL which came in at the same size as the very neat 18mm. At the moment, the C lenses comprise of three primes and three zooms, and I have to admit I was a little disappointed to see how hefty the other two primes were. However, this is a new camera and no doubt such needs will be met in time!

Anyway, The Pictures!

So! I hope this overview was of interest? I thought it would be fun to explore what is on offer in the world of smaller cameras and to see how life with a Leica would be! Here’s a selection of the shots I took – I had high hopes of a better assortment but dismal weather and time constraints butted in a bit this week! However, not to worry – next up I will be taking out the smaller and significantly more affordable Leica D-Lux which quite a few of you have mentioned to me. Stay tuned!

*The Leica CL was loaned to me for a week to review.Β 

FYI: All photos featuring the camera were not taken on the Leica obvs πŸ˜‰ but the ones without me orΒ  camera in them were!

Through the window on the Tate’s restaurant floor…

Stylonylon | Leica CL review

Stylonylon | Leica CL review

Stylonylon | Leica CL review
View from the Tate’s 10th floor… misty!
Stylonylon | Leica CL review
Cafe just by St Paul’s cathedralΒ 
Stylonylon | Leica CL review
Stylonylon | Leica CL review
Stylonylon | Leica CL review
From directly beneath the mirror ball!

Stylonylon | Leica CL review

Stylonylon | Leica CL review Stylonylon | Leica CL review


A Note On Editing

Just so you know, I have edited all the CL pictures as I do normally. I make basic adjustments in Lightroom and apply a VSCO filter at 50%. I then resize and make any final adjustments in Photoshop where I apply a RadLab filter (that I created years ago!) and dial down.

Stylonylon | Leica CL review

Stylonylon | Leica CL review

Stylonylon | Leica CL review


How I Shoot

For a normal day out I like to shoot on Aperture Priority – my main focus is always on controlling aperture. The CL makes this easy with the top right dial which you turn to change the f-stop. Full manual is just one step further where you dial control the shutter speed and have the exposure compensation value easily visible to guide you. You have to go into the Menu to set your ISO, and I had this set quite low – on reflection I should have pumped it up as it was such a gloomy day! And yes I always look this serious in my ‘photo mode’…! πŸ˜‰

Stylonylon | Leica CL review
Hackney canal…
Stylonylon | Leica CL review
Berries up by Hampstead Heath…
Stylonylon | Leica CL review
A couple of at-home snaps…
Stylonylon | Leica CL review
The canal near us…

Stylonylon | Leica CL review Stylonylon | Leica CL review

10 responses to “Camera Review | Leica CL”

  1. Penny Avatar

    Hi, I continue to enjoy your pictures, and these are no exceptions. I like the idea of having many cameras and your review is really helpful.

    1. Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog Avatar
      Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog

      Thankyou so much! It’s definitely interesting getting a feel for how different ones work! πŸ™‚

  2. Billy Mondonedo Avatar
    Billy Mondonedo

    Dear Sir/Madam

    I am curious about your Radlab preset that you seem to have used in your editing process. May I buy this preset from you and how much would it be. Thank you.

    1. Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog Avatar
      Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog

      Hi Billy – I bought it from here:

    2. Billy Mondonedo Avatar
      Billy Mondonedo

      Dear Sir/Madam:

      I followed your advise to use RADLAB. As you know, VSCO and Radlab offers many presets and going thru each preset is a challenge. Perhaps if you can share a couple of the presets that you use in VSCO and Radlab, I will be able to come close to how you do your editing and with a stroke of luck, might discover a different look altogether. I know this is too much to ask and I understand if you cant share.

  3. Billy Mondonedo Avatar

    Hi Penny,

    I really like the way you edit your photos. Although I followed your advise to use RADLAB, I still cant seem to get the deep tone and colors that you are able to produce with your editing. . As you know, VSCO and Radlab offers many presets and going thru each preset is a challenge. Perhaps if you can share the presets that you use in VSCO and Radlab, I will be able to come close to how you do your editing and with a stroke of luck, might discover a different look altogether. I know this is too much to ask and I understand if you cant share.

  4. Bill Johnston, Jr. Avatar
    Bill Johnston, Jr.

    These are superb. Silly me, I thought you used only an Olympus Pen. Oddly enough, the colors remind me of Fuji’s Classic Chrome, given a shove or two.

    1. Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog Avatar
      Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog

      Thankyou! Ah I only had this camera for a week on loan to review – enjoyed it though!

  5. Leigh Robinson Avatar
    Leigh Robinson

    That is the best camera review I’ve read! Well done. I have a Leica CL and am enjoying its versatility. Loved your comments on how you’ve created the visual effect on your photos. Anymore tips on shooting in aperture mode would be appreciated. 😊

  6. Larrie Parreno Avatar

    Beautiful review and images captured with the CL πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ. Mind me asking how you edited those pictures? I really love your color palate πŸ™‚