
life, style, photography & textiles

So, What’s Changed?

Stylonylon | Rouje | Redone | Loewe | Joseph | Leica So, what’s changed? Well how about everything, and nothing – I mysteriously answer. 😉 Ok, less mystery, more clarity. In the end, I decided not to go into too much detail about it all. But, for me last year…

… was mostly overshadowed by the uncertainly of health issues, which thank goodness, now seems to have resolved. Investigating vision problems I’d experienced exactly a year ago led to a period of months of suddenly doubting everything I had come to rely on about myself. And that’s the type of thing that can eat into your self-esteem and confidence. When you’re not ignoring it. Which I was surprisingly quite good at doing.

Some good news at the start of this year has been most welcome, but in the effort to ward off any future problems, I’m looking at diet and nutrition. You may have noticed on Instagram that I’ve quit the coffee? Yeah well, dairy, red meat, sugar and gluten too – gulp! An anti-inflammatory diet is the overall aim with a few other factors thrown in. And I tend to go by a rule of the occasional treat 😉 Half a croissant here and there against the backdrop of overall goodness. (Let me know if you’d like to know more about the details of what I’m eating now!)

Taking things into your own hands can feel empowering and  confidence boosting. And the reading I’ve been doing over the last few months around nutrition shows that it really is key in so many current ‘modern day’ ailments. I have to admit my energy levels are so much better already and for the first time in forever I’m finding the strength and inclination to push myself in my home yoga – even madly (!) setting myself the goals of the splits (am assured it’s still possible after 40!) and headstand (although I mean, I really should be able to do this now!).

I’ve also been working on energy healing (more on that soon) and making a point of not running myself ragged as I am often prone to do. So in terms of work, learning to be realistic about what I can achieve! And not freaking out that I haven’t done it all. Having confidence in and believing in the work that you do and the value of it. Knowing that the blogging industry which I now find myself firmly in is one that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, but is changing rapidly and that we as creators must keep on creating in a natural, spontaneous and authentic way.

There have been some rather alarming blogger storms recently I can only hope we can learn from. I am thankful for my years as a freelance journalist having prepared me for a rather seamless passing over into this new industry, which as far I can see doesn’t work that differently. Bloggers and influencers are treated as a variant of press and also should behave so, conducting themselves professionally and authentically. But of course, every industry has examples of behaviour that can give it a bad name, but equally no-one should be tarred with the same brush – although that’s easier in an industry the mainstream still don’t really understand.

Knowing one’s value, what you are prepared to work for, how much money you need to make a month as a freelance all go into determining what you charge – but again this is true of any freelance occupation (fun & interesting podcast here about working with brands and Instagram/blog fees). And as Sara points out, as bloggers we are subject to transparency in way traditional press is not. Something that has always weighed on my mind…

Anyway, for me, reassured that I am in good health (always the most important!) I feel ready and excited to take on this year, creating the digital content I love and working diligently on the splits too! Hah, any tips on that welcome, I’ve heard Voltaren is helpful!

Jacket | Rouje 

Jumper | Rouje

Jeans | Re/Done at Bad Denim 

Bag |Loewe at Vestiaire Collective

Boots | Joseph sale

Necklaces | Bear Brooksbank and Bianca Jones (Compass coming soon!)

Hat | Skiing one I got on our trip

Camera | Leica D-Lux (on loan for review!)


Stylonylon | Rouje | Redone | Loewe | Joseph | Leica Stylonylon | Rouje | Redone | Loewe | Joseph | Leica Stylonylon | Rouje | Redone | Loewe | Joseph | Leica

Stylonylon | Rouje | Redone | Loewe | Joseph | Leica Stylonylon | Rouje | Redone | Loewe | Joseph | Leica

Stylonylon | Rouje | Redone | Loewe | Joseph | Leica

Stylonylon | Rouje | Redone | Loewe | Joseph | Leica Stylonylon | Rouje | Redone | Loewe | Joseph | Leica

Stylonylon | Rouje | Redone | Loewe | Joseph | Leica Stylonylon | Rouje | Redone | Loewe | Joseph | Leica

Stylonylon | Rouje | Redone | Loewe | Joseph | Leica

Outfit Details

Jacket | Rouje 

Jumper | Rouje

Jeans | Re/Done at Bad Denim 

Bag |Loewe at Vestiaire Collective

Boots | Joseph sale

Necklaces | Bear Brooksbank and Bianca Jones (Compass coming soon!)

Hat | Skiing one I got on our trip

Camera | Leica D-Lux (on loan for review!)

7 responses to “So, What’s Changed?”

  1. Chloe Luxton Avatar

    Glad you’re in good health again – definitely interested in your new dietary regime.

    Always love your feed and you’re the most professional blogger we’ve come across and it was a pleasure to meet you last year.

    Chloë x

    1. Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog Avatar
      Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog

      Oh thankyou Chloe! That’s so kind of you to say 🙂 oh well you know try to keep myself in check lol 😉 was so lovely meeting you too xx

  2. Katrina Avatar

    Glad you are in good health. Holistic wellness and good balance have been my journey since maroon blazer days. Wishing you all the best in staving off the demons of perfectionism.

    1. Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog Avatar
      Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog

      Thanks Katrina! Ah that is so interesting to hear – been overall pretty healthy but more recently have some to tweaks to make :)) thinking 80-20 should hopefully do it 😉 xx

  3. Liesl Avatar

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    Love this look Julia! You’re also one of my favourite bloggers, I love how forward thinking you are. Plus have a great eye for unique bits and pieces! X

    1. Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog Avatar
      Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog

      Oh thankyou Kate that is so lovely to hear! 🙂 I will definitely try and keep it up 😉 xx