Gazelli House | Energy Healing - Stylonylon


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Gazelli House | Energy Healing

Gazelli House

The wonderful thing about Gazelli House (you may remember the sensational bespoke massage I had there a while back) is apart from its amazing home-away-from-home vibe in the welcoming three-storey Georgian townhouse is the holistic approach to health… 

Alongside the most personalised and considerate bespoke massage I’ve experienced, Gazelli House also offers a range a wellbeing therapies in the Sky Parlour, the floor devoted to the mind. Having heard such good things about life coach and energy healer, Elizabeth Rose, on my first visit – she is responsible for the energy-charged crystals in the bowls where you place your jewellery while having a massage – I was really keen to meet her!

Since the autumn, I have been placing an extra focus on my well-being by incorporating acupuncture, massage and energy healing into my routine. A handful of energy healing sessions at the beginning of this year (guided meditative techniques involved emotional detoxing and cord cutting) had been a real turning point for me and something I had responded well to, and I wanted to explore this a bit further.

Meeting Elizabeth Rose is quite exciting! She is open and ready to connect and, as she offers a range of therapies, she normally begins a session open-mindedly trying to establish what is the best type of therapy for you – from life coaching and counselling to energy healing, number reading, crystal work and tarot.

I had in fact arrived with quite a clear idea of what I wanted to focus on. Having made some good progress (or so I hoped!) in the energy healing sessions I had already done, I was keen to gain an understanding of how far I had come and what next; I also had some very specific personal questions I hoped Elizabeth could help me answer.

After having just the most amazing chat – affirming my progress so far, widening my understanding of myself and where I am in my life right now – we decided to focus on answering one very specific question I had. Guiding me through a self-meditative state Elizabeth helped me draw out the ambiguity in what I was feeling around this particular topic, leading me to a place if better self-understanding.

We think we know ourselves, but often things are not as simple as we think! Elizabeth very gently helped me understand something about myself that I needed to give some attention. As we talked more, we then started touching upon what may lie ahead of me and how to feel comfortable in myself before I reach that point.

An absolutely fascinating session and I was gutted when my time ran out. I immediately went to the front desk to book a second appointment as there is still some particular energy work I am keen to work on. If you are on a journey of health and mental wellbeing, I do feel that connecting with somebody like Elizabeth can be  a very important step forward. Certainly for me, it punctuated the end of quite a difficult year with some unwelcome health concerns and helped set me on the right track and feel secure in myself going forward.

Book an appointment with Elizabeth Rose at gazelli.com – a session costs £150.

*Review treatment