
life, style, photography & textiles

Olympus Pen | Coming Off Auto

Olympus Pen | Coming Off Auto | Bianca Jone Jewellery | Lucy Williams x Missoma This is a video I’ve been meaning to shoot for a while! Coming off auto on your Olympus Pen and learning to shoot Aperture Priority & Manual is something I’ve taught at my workshops and had a great response to…

So I thought it was about a put it all in a video! Fast forward to the pink background bit in the video for the actual how to, or watch the intro for a bit of an overview of what you’re going to be learning.

Shooting Aperture Priority is how I shoot the majority of the time – for two reasons mainly. One: My main interest when taking photos is to be able to control the aperture (f-stop) as this controls how blurry your background will be, and two: for speed! Often the type of the photos I’m taking are ones that need to be snapped quite quickly, especially if you are out and about in changing light situations. So this is the main focus of the video – also how to use the ever useful Super Control Panel (find out how to set this up here) to access settings like ISO, WB and file format.

But since it’s just an extra step, I also show you how to shoot on full Manual mode as well! It’s easier than you think when getting started, although can become as complicated as you want, depending on the type of results you are after (eg. See my post on night photography).

Anyway! I hope you enjoy the video and find it useful – please let me know what you’d like me to cover next!

Ps. My embroidered t-shirt is by A Finer Thread (this style coming soon!) and necklaces Bianca x Stylonylon and Lucy Williams x Missoma!

To buy Olympus Pen and Pen lenses use BLOGGER10 discount code at check out here.

9 responses to “Olympus Pen | Coming Off Auto”

  1. mick Avatar

    Olympus cameras when new are supplied with the “keep warm colours” option turned on. This will give over cooked colours and faces can really look too red. It is vital that this crazy option is set to off. That said someone will say they like the strong Olympus colours !

    1. Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog Avatar
      Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog

      Yes good point! Always something to turn off 😉 Must mention that too! But yes, I’m guessing some people must like it… I’ve always preferred cooler tones – at one point going a little too desaturated lol! – so this has long been part of my post-edit… Do you shoot with Pen/OMD?

      1. Mick Avatar

        I switched to micro 4/3 when they first started, nearly ten years ago with the Panasonic G1. Since then I have owned several Panasonic m4/3 cameras. Some time ago I used an Olympus Pen EPM2 but could not get on with it. Earlier this year I obtained an Olympus OMD EM10 Mk11. Sadly I did not like it and I am back with Panasonic.
        I use the Panasonic G7 mainly with the 20mm f1.7 and the 42.5mm f1.7 whilst my two zooms are not used much now. I did try the later G80 but all cameras after the G7 are built without the AA filter and I had problems with moire. The future does seem to be sans filter so I will keep to the G7.

        Keep up the good work with your blog and I really like your photos.

        1. Mick Micro 4/3 pan-oly Avatar
          Mick Micro 4/3 pan-oly

          In my post above I said that I did not like the Olympus OMD E-M 10 11. Strange how time changes things ! I had spent so long with Panasonic that I may not have given the Olympus a fair chance. There were some things that I missed about it. End result, I obtained another E-M10 11 and now I really love it ! The five axis stabiliser, superb JPEG’s and when fitted with a pancake lens it fits in a winter coat pocket, to name just a few points. I keep seeing films / reading excellent reports on the Olympus OMD E-M1 Mk11 as well. It will be interesting to see what Olympus do with the two new models that may be coming in 2019.

          1. Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog Avatar
            Stylonylon UK Fashion Blog

            Ah so interesting! I must admit I have no Pan experience – eyes only for Pen right from the start! The E-M10 is quite lovely though & like the Pen super portable 🙂 ah 2019 will be interesting for sure! I know many prefer the OMD for the viewfinder, which I why my favourite Pen is actually the F, really lovely piece of kit, have you tried it?

          2. Mick Micro 4/3 Pan-Oly Avatar
            Mick Micro 4/3 Pan-Oly

            STYLONYLON. I can see your reply but cannot find a way to post a comment under yours, only this box under my original, will try this first !

          3. Mick Micro 4/3 Pan-Oly Avatar
            Mick Micro 4/3 Pan-Oly

            Ignore the above, it looks like it does post in order ! I have not used the Pen F Digital but it seems to be well liked. It uses an OLED viewfinder which is far better than the field sequential types and the 20mp sensor should be good if you need to crop photos. Just to show my age I worked in the photo trade when the original Pen F half frame film camera was on sale, then came the famous OM1 !

          4. mick micro 4/3 pan-oly Avatar
            mick micro 4/3 pan-oly

            I have noticed in your films that your Olympus is set to Large Fine file size. Most of the sizes are together but for some strange reason Large Super Fine is missing ! With the OMD’s it can be found in the menu under a white balance setting. Very odd but if you have not noticed it then you may find it very useful to switch to it, larger file and more fine detail. It can be used with JPEG’s so no need for RAW.

  2. Mick Avatar

    My Olympus interest is increasing with the purchase of the 17mm f1.8. So far very pleased with it, compact with excellent sharpness and a useful f1.8 max aperture. Only thing missing is some decent daylight !