
life, style, photography & textiles

Tag: outfit post

  • Spark Joy Your Summer?

    Spark Joy Your Summer?

    I’m one of the people for whom surroundings & environment are key to my mood, overall happiness and productivity. I often read the quite hackneyed self-complaint by freelancers that they have to prevent themselves from doing the washing up and tidying before sitting down to work…

  • It’s A Cat’s Eye Life

    It’s A Cat’s Eye Life

    Sorry for the sombre expression in some of these photos, just keeping it cool in line with the cool sunnies! See below for more assurance that I was actually in quite a buoyant mood when shooting these pics, not least because nailing a summer outfit is quite a big tick in my book…!

  • Keep Chasing The Light

    Keep Chasing The Light

    I have to admit I haven’t quite got my head around the new year yet. Most Januaries I’m carried along with the momentum of plans and goals whereas right now I feel I’m still standing still looking out on, I’m not quite sure what… 

  • The Right Side of Texture

    The Right Side of Texture

    It’s the best way, mixing old & new, hi & low for comfy with a twist of chic (at least that’s what I’m going for!)… 

  • Faux Me Up

    Faux Me Up

    Beam me up Scottie, to a world of faux fur coats and full-time fun! Cos’ faux invites us out to play in the autumn and reminds us that come on, fashion really is fun (and fantasy, ok, ok, Karl, you may not have managed to coin it – ‘fantasy fur’, remember?? – but we get it…!)