
life, style, photography & textiles

Digital Diaries | A Weekly Recap

KJ Laundry | Olympus Pen white | Boomf instagram marshmallows | Deichmann x Caroline Blomst shoes | Digital Diaries | A Weekly Recap

The weeks fly by, don’t they? But in a good way, we’re basically zooming right into spring (this weekend is gonna be hawt!) and that makes me so happy. Even if there are crazy showers along the way, there’s always a rainbow to be found…

Lots of lovely things to round up here, this week…

I dined… at the Disappearing Dining Club’s home Back In Five Minutes. A fabulous birthday party for a friend, tucked away at three tables in the back room of a Shoreditch fashion boutique. The food is incredible, I blogged about these guys here last year and it’s a really intimate, cosy way to have a party. One of the rare occasions I was too tipsy to remember to take any photos, haha!

I styled… the new blogger collection from Deichmann and Swedish uber-blogger Caroline Blomst as part of a brilliant competition. Check out all the amazing entries here including gorgeous ones from Carrie from Wish Wish Wish and Natasha from Girl in the Lens.

I received… a brilliant box of marshmallows with my instagrams on them! Kindly sent by the lovely people at Boomf, this is a cracking good idea – just £12 and free worldwide delivery. Love these so much, I still haven’t been able to bring myself to eat them. The flavour is a delicious double vanilla, I’m told!

I visited… The UK Photography Show at Birmingham’s capacious NEC. I have to admit I was surprised at the lack of blogger types and probably more blokes than girls. Lots of lovely gear, a good talk by a kids and wedding photographer and I swung by to see the Olympus team (so excited! I’m going with them to Stockholm this week for a fashion event). Hopefully, I’ll get the chance to try out the cute little Olympus Pen in white. – I’ve heard lots of good things about this camera!

I bought… a gorgeous pair of tailored tapered Italian trousers by Pomandere from KJ Laundry on Marylebone Lane. So grown up and half price in charcoal, eek! Emma of Life of Yablon is totally responsible for this impulse purchase – we went for a lovely coffee and catch-up after. And I did nab her umbrella, much-needed as it was that crazy stormy rainbow day. And the other important purchase of this week is a  fab tomato orange vintage coat (below) from Beyond Retro in Dalston!

Chocolate tart | Oslo Hackney | Digital Diaries | A Weekly Recap

I lunched… at the new Oslo restaurant just by Hackney Central station. Huge open space downstairs and club and live music space upstairs, they’ve got a license to 3am, impressive! I had a yummy smoked salmon salad and husband had a burger. Chocolate tart and mint tea for afters, natch.

I watched… lots more House of Cards. We’re powering through the series, sometimes two episodes a night! Loving every minute of it. Some pretty spine-chilling story lines and Claire Underwood’s hair! Makes me want to go short again.

I borrowed… a fabulous Ganni jumper (amazing Danish brand) to work my best Scandi style in Stockholm later this week! Am off on Friday, keep your eyes peeled for updates of the journey and event. I’m going with two incredible bloggers – the beautiful Olivia from What Olivia Did and very cool Laetitia from Mademoiselle Robot –  can’t wait!

Keep up with all my going-ons on Instagram here.

Olympus | Ganni jumper | Beyond Retro coat | Digital Diaries | A Weekly Recap

One response to “Digital Diaries | A Weekly Recap”

  1. Olivia Avatar

    I can’t wait to meet you! xx