
life, style, photography & textiles

Tag: baking

  • No Sugar Brownies

    No Sugar Brownies

    Let’s talk about sugar. About how damn good it is when it comes to making things like brownies. But then I’m hypoglycemic, so indulging comes with a mega high, then a mega low incurring anything from feeling faint, irritable, sensitive to sound and light, depending on the severity…

  • Recipe | Fig Crumble With Yoghurt, Honey & Walnuts

    Recipe | Fig Crumble With Yoghurt, Honey & Walnuts

    I thought it was time I did another recipe! And a big thanks to my mother-in-law who helped me put this all together. A crumble is by far one of my favourite puddings and so easy  to make…

  • Baking This Weekend? | The Equipment

    Baking This Weekend? | The Equipment

    Come the rainy weekend, how about a little baking to lift the spirits? We received some lovely baking bits and pieces for Christmas to get us on track. My husband loved baking with his mum when he was little, so we thought we’d start getting Gus into it too!

  • Birthday Snaps & New York Cheesecake

    Birthday Snaps & New York Cheesecake

    As far as birthdays go, I couldn’t have asked for more. A family lunch at a delicious seafood restaurant on a gorgeous beach…

  • Weekend Recipe – Apple, Date & Walnut Cake

    Weekend Recipe – Apple, Date & Walnut Cake

    This is one of the easiest, failsafe cake recipes I know… And it’s one I’ve successfully thrown together last minute on a few occasions in unfamiliar kitchens. Hark at me, Marie Berry or what? So, it’s a Delia recipe, which I’ve lost time and time again. The number of times mummy Stylonylon has texted, emailed…