
life, style, photography & textiles

Tag: london fashion week

  • LFW Day 5

    LFW Day 5

    Day 5 I decided to jazz things up a little with a bit of double fringing in the form of this awesome Beyond Retro waistcoat and fringed shirt by Gant…

  • LFW Day 4

    LFW Day 4

      Day 4 was a little quieter for me and for the Tate Britain Topshop Showspace in general as there was only one show in the afternoon, which was very elegant and textured wear by Osman… 

  • Selfie Gone Viral

    Selfie Gone Viral

    Hard to sleep when a photo you took has gone bananas on the internetz…

  • LFW Day 4 Outfit

    LFW Day 4 Outfit

    Powering through the LFW outfit documentation – just one more to go, phew! I hope I’m not boring you to death already, but I quite liked this combo. Snapped on the Topshop Showspace catwalk… yes, those white lines are the parking bays back when the space was a garage for classic cars… 

  • LFW Day 4 | What I Wore | What I Did

    LFW Day 4 | What I Wore | What I Did

    After Sunday off (which I spent scoffing delicious fig-shaped meringues at the Frank & Doll sample sale!) I got myself together for an afternoon of LFW Day 4…