
life, style, photography & textiles

Tag: photography

  • Weekly Portrait Challenge – Anyone, Anywhere – #2

    Weekly Portrait Challenge – Anyone, Anywhere – #2

    Number two for my weekly portrait project is another selfie… There’s been a lot of chat online recently about selfies – mainly derisory, the idea being that taking photos of yourself and posting them online is outta this world egotistical. I guess it is to an extent, but I’m not sure it’s anything to feel…

  • Fashion For Home – Home Love Photo Contest

    Fashion For Home – Home Love Photo Contest

    I’ve been waiting to take this picture for a while… Waiting for the sun to come out, waiting for an afternoon to myself. The photo is an entry for a competition over at Fashion For Home – the lovely Holly & Trish from We Heart Home are on the panel of judges. The criteria is…

  • Happy Easter – 52 – Weekly Portrait Challenge – Anyone, Anywhere – #1

    Happy Easter – 52 – Weekly Portrait Challenge – Anyone, Anywhere – #1

    I love the idea of a weekly portrait – the challenge, the results, the consistency. You can’t help but learn along the way. And I want to keep the standards high. The challenge part is that I find doing anything on a regular basis difficult, I always wander off topic. The idea is that in…

  • Instaweek Catch-Up #5

    Instaweek Catch-Up #5

    1. Stealing a snap of my sister’s cool monochrome mini from Zara2. Sparkling river from the train3. Edinburgh – peering through the Waverley Station roof to the Balmoral Hotel 4. Testing out my self-timer app on my iPhone ending up with this #nofilter shot5. My desk space snap –  selected for IFB’s Project #85 round-up6. My…

  • Where I Blog {My Desk Space}

    Where I Blog {My Desk Space}

    This week the ladies over at Independent Fashion Bloggers were asking their readers to post about where they blogged (IFB Project #85). Essentially a peek into people’s office/desk space. Anyway, although I missed the deadline to submit my post I thought it was a lovely idea and took these snaps. Although the reality is I…