I didn’t expect my sigh of relief to be quite so big. Which made me realise maybe I’d been holding my breath. The end of term, the end of Gus’s first year of school, Reception. Holidays beckoning…
(In collaboration with Tu Clothing)
Getting Started
A a June baby, Gus is among the youngest in his year so when he started Reception as a ‘young’ four year old I was curious but also concerned not to be too concerned. If that makes sense ;). It didn’t help that his best buddy was going to another school.
Like nursery the first couple of months seemed like a real adjustment period. From the learning point of view all good, but the making friends a little bit slower. And then the need for your little one to be happy with pals becomes paramount to everything.
By term two, all of that had settled and Gus’s acceptance of school and his peers all fell into place. A huge phew! And I had that feeling I had when he settled at nursery – a huge sense of relief and peace that all was fine in his world, and therefore mine.
Busy, So Busy
Their busyness at school translates into the most wonderful milestones. The reading and writing coming on in leaps and bounds, the inquisitiveness and independence. And that moment when you realise they can pull out their own clothes and actually put them on themselves? Now that is quite a big one. Genuinely quite a life-transforming moment! Fellow parents will know exactly what I mean.
Just a few weeks after his fifth birthday, Gus learnt to ride his bike. And it was the most magical moment, especially as we’d been having a real struggle with it, having decided to temporarily given up and returned to stabilisers… but it really did just happen one sunny afternoon. We agreed to try without stabilisers, I started him off holding the saddle and off he went!
Getting Organised
Now that we’re well into the school holidays (we’re now in Portugal for a few weeks of sun and sand!) we’ve been getting organised. Restocking on the school uniform front because last year’s tops and trousers are looking a little on the small side… Having to buy in bulk, the easier the better and all in one place is how I like to do it!
At the Tu School Shop we did it all in one fell swoop! The plain trousers, white collar tees, red sweaters and black trainer shoes. And for PE, black joggers and hoodie, red tee and little white trainers Gus loves so much he has adopted as his everyday shoes too. It’s a huge weight off my mind and means no mad scramble when we get back in September, phew! So all that remains is for me to wish you a happy August!
Tu School Shop
School Uniform
Trousers | White tee | Red Jumper | Black shoes
PE Kit
Black hoodie | Joggers | Red tee | White trainers

Photographed on Olympus Pen F with 25mm f1.2 lens