Tag: diy
Trying My Hand At DIY Nail Art
I read this week that it’s just not acceptable to have tatty nails anymore, even if you’re British. Ever. Not the best news I’ve heard of late. I’m partial to a bit of nail polish and LOVE the results of a professional manicure but I just don’t do it that often. Which is probably why…
How To DIY A Wash-Out Dip Dye Sock Bun
Ok, I’m really the last person who should be doing a hair post. I never wear my hair down, I rarely brush it, only occasionally wash it… My everyday strategy is to create a scraped back messy scarecrow bun that just about passes my own personal standards, probably not the rest of the world’s. However,…
2013 New Year Blogging Resolutions
It’s taken me a few days into 2013 to clear my head and figure out the specifics of what I’ve got planned for my blog this year – raising my profile and increasing traffic aside 🙂 – but now we’re back home there are so many things I want to do. The above are the…
DIY Super Shabby Chic Patio Seat
I can’t take any credit for the building of this lovely outdoor seat (huge thanks to the my lovely husband, his bro and bro’s girlfriend :)) for making it all happen but I’m so proud of the finished result just had to post. I found some random instructions here and they were loosely adhered to…