Tag: sunday edit
Sunday Edit 21
I know, I know, shoot me now for bringing in a little bit of a Christmas this Sunday Edit. But hey, I’m excited. It’s the first time we’ve ever hosted Christmas at our house this year and I want to do it proper! We’re going to have a tree and everything…
Sunday Edit 18
Although this is my second Sunday Edit in the new house, for some reason it feels like the first! I think because now all the craziness is subsiding and I feel like I have my head screwed back on…
Sunday Edit 16
A rather winter inspired, grown-up edit this Sunday. After a week off the blog, immersed in a de-cluttering project extraordinaire and packing up the house, I’m feeling a bit renewed in spirit. Cleaner, fresher, clearer…
Sunday Edit 15
Today’s edit will be here and gone before you know it. A flash in the pan as I am otherwise deeply submerged in the final throes of house clearing before we make the house move next week (yippee!)…
Sunday Edit 14
I’m getting my fringe on this autumn. The 70s fashion editorials have clearly been filtering through but I’ve long admired a friend’s black leather fringe jacket which she’s had for so long I realise the fringed jacket can transcend the trend…