Stylonylon - life, style, photography & textiles - Page 21


life, style, photography & textiles

  • Camera Bag Girl

    Camera Bag Girl

    Hands up who actually has a proper camera bag? I mean one that has all the right protective padding for body and lenses. Rather than just throwing your poor old camera into a regular handbag in amongst all the other stuff. Which is what I usually do… 

  • 5 Things You Should Know | Clary & Peg

    5 Things You Should Know | Clary & Peg

    There isn’t a single woman who’s been pregnant who doesn’t groan when you bring up the subject of maternity wear. As the months go by, it is without a doubt, an outright challenge. And then you come across a brand like Clary & Peg which makes you wish you were actually pregnant all over again!…

  • Shopping Stories (ii)

    Shopping Stories (ii)

    We are nothing if not fickle. Which is why we get all excited about summer before we’ve even turned off the heating and start longing for the cooler, covered up days of autumn with its woollens and knits before the balmy evenings are even gone… 

  • #mydreamvintagedress


    Don’t give up on vintage! That’s what I want to impress upon us in-our-thirties-don’t-have-time-anymore lot. Hands up, I’m guilty. I used to spend so much time rummaging in charity shops and finding Annie’s in Camden Passage was a mega hallelujah back in the day… 

  • Sunday Edit 11

    Sunday Edit 11

    Apologies for doubling up, I got a little over excited and pulled a couple of these pieces into yesterday’s outfit post. An outfit – despite it being a full top to toe – which I’m deeply in love with…

  • Top to Toe

    Top to Toe

    And then I found my perfect outfit. And contrary to what some might think makes up a perfect outfit this one is all from the same place…

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    Julia Rebaudo

    freelance writer & photographer